Saturday, May 2, 2009

Labor Day

Our little DTU group.

Martin and his girlfriend Sara

On Friday, I went with a couple kids from my kitchen to a park in the city.  Apparently, it is the thing to do on Labor Day.  It was really cool.  The only thing I can compare it to is Log Bay Day; except there were 10,000 more people and it was in a park.  It was really intense.  Everyone was just hanging out, partying.  The weather was great for it as well.  

Me and Kezia.

After dinner finished, I thought it would be the perfect time to introduce S'mores to everyone.  They were a HUGE hit (Mom, you may have to send more).  We had enough supplies that everyone in our group of 10 or so, got 2 or 3.  

After the S'mores, we just hung out together for the rest of the night.  I wanted to take it easy.  Now, I have to do some real school work.  Also, the countdown till I leave has begun.  I don't really want to leave and wish I could stay longer, but, I am excited to start working in Pittsburgh for the summer.

1 comment:

  1. love the LG baseball jacket matt..way to rock it overseas
